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This documentation applies to Codacy Self-hosted v3.3.0

For the latest updates and improvements, see the latest Cloud documentation instead.

GitHub Cloud

Follow the instructions below to set up the Codacy integration with GitHub Cloud:

  1. Follow the instructions on creating a GitHub App.

  2. Edit the file values-production.yaml that you used to install Codacy.

  3. Set global.github.enabled: "true" and define the remaining values as described below using the information obtained when you created the GitHub App:

      enabled: "true"
      login: "true" # Show login button for GitHub Cloud
      clientId: "" # Client ID
      clientSecret: "" # Client secret
        name: "codacy" # GitHub App name
        id: "1234" # App ID
        privateKey: "" # Contents of the .pem file without newlines
  4. Apply the new configuration by performing a Helm upgrade. To do so execute the command used to install Codacy:


    If you are using MicroK8s you must use the file values-microk8s.yaml together with the file values-production.yaml.

    To do this, uncomment the last line before running the helm upgrade command below.

    helm upgrade (...options used to install Codacy...) \
                 --version 3.3.0 \
                 --values values-production.yaml \
                 # --values values-microk8s.yaml

After this is done you will be able to use GitHub Cloud to authenticate to Codacy.

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Last modified August 21, 2020