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This documentation applies to Codacy Self-hosted v1.4.0

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Code Patterns

As a wise man once said, "You can't please everyone", and that is true for code patterns. But don't you worry! You can choose from a range of patterns to fit your needs.

1. Pattern details and filters

Each pattern has a title and a short description. To see a detailed explanation you can click on Show Details in the top right corner (mouse over the pattern and the Show Details option will appear):

The pattern explanation shows more detail about the issues it can detect and how to fix them.

You can filter the patterns by category using the side menu: 

The issues detected by Codacy belong to one of the following categories:

Code Style - Code formatting and syntax problems. Ex: variable name style, enforce the use of brackets and quotation marks

Error Prone - Code that may hide bugs and language keywords that should be used with caution. Ex: == in Javascript or Option.get in Scala

Code Complexity - Highly complex methods and classes that should be refactored

Performance - Code that could have performance problems

Compatibility - Used mainly for frontend code, detects compatibility problems across different browser versions

Unused Code - Unused variables and methods, code that can't be reached

Security - All security problems

Documentation - Detects methods and classes that do not have the correct comment annotations

2. Configure your repository patterns

To configure the patterns used to analyse your repository simply click on the checkbox on the left of the title:


When you change the enabled patterns you can reanalyse your repository. To do that, just enter the latest commit from your list on the Commit view and click to reanalyse

3. Account vs Repository Patterns

Account Patterns

Here you can change the default selection of patterns by enabling / disabling  them for all future repositories added by you. Just go to Account Settings > Default Patterns:

Repository Patterns

Here you can specify the patterns you want to use for each repository. When you change your account patterns it doesn't affect pattern selection for repositories already added. You can go to Code patterns:


4. I have my own tool configuration file

If you have configuration files for your static analysis tool of choice, just add it to the root of your repository and Codacy will pick it up automatically.

Supported Configuration files

Codacy currently supports configuration files for several tools. To have results accordingly to your configuration file, you need to go to the Code Patterns view and select "Configuration file" for the respective tool and select the option as shown in the example below.

The known file names for each tool are the following:

Tool name Language Files detected Other info
Ameba Crystal .ameba.yml  
Bandit Python bandit.yml, .bandit  To solve flagged valid Python "assert" statements, create a bandit.yml in the root of the repo containing: skips: \['B101'\]
Brakeman Ruby config/brakeman.yml  
Checkstyle Java checkstyle.xml  Supports config file in other dirs than root and can search up to 5 dirs into the repository.
Codenarc Groovy .codenarcrc  
credo Elixir .credo.exs  
CSSLint CSS .csslintrc  
detekt Kotlin default-detekt-config.yml, detekt.yml Supports config file in other dirs than root and can search up to 5 dirs into the repository.
ESLint JavaScript, Typescript, JSON .eslintrc.js, .eslintrc.yaml,.eslintrc.yml, .eslintrc.json,
Plugins in the UI
 Other Plugins
Hadolint Docker  .hadolint.yaml  
JSHint JavaScript  .jshintrc  
PHP CodeSniffer PHP phpcs.xml, phpcs.xml.dist  
PHPMD PHP codesize.xml  
PMD Apex, Java, Javascript, JSP, XML, Velocity and Visualforce ruleset.xml, apex-ruleset.xml Supports config file in other dirs than root and can search up to 5 dirs into the repository.
Prospector Python .landscape.yml, .landscape.yaml, landscape.yml, landscape.yaml,
.prospector.yml, .prospector.yaml, prospector.yml, prospector.yaml
Pylint Python pylintrc, .pylintrc  Plugins 
RemarkLint Markdown .remarkrc, .remarkrc.json, .remarkrc.yaml, .remarkrc.yml, .remarkrc.js  
Rubocop Ruby  .rubocop.yml  
ScalaStyle Scala  scalastyle_config.xml, scalastyle-config.xml  
SCSSLint SASS  .scss-lint.yml  
Sonar C# C# SonarLint.xml  
Spotbugs Java, Scala findbugs.xml, findbugs-includes.xml, findbugs-excludes.xml Supports config file in other dirs than root and can search up to 5 dirs into the repository.
Stylelint LESS, SASS, CSS .stylelintrc, stylelint.config.js, .stylelintrc.json, .stylelintrc.yaml, .stylelintrc.js, stylelintrc.yml Supports config file in other dirs than root and can search up to 5 dirs into the repository.
SwiftLint Swift .swiftlint.yml  
Tailor Swift  .tailor.yml  
TSLint TypeScript tslint.json  
tsqllint SQL .tsqllintrc  
Revive Go revive.toml  

For performance reasons, if you make changes to pattern settings using configuration files, Codacy may display outdated messages for issues that have already been identified by those patterns.

5. Configuring the repository root directory for analysis

By default, Codacy starts the analysis on the repository's root. However, you can set up a different repository folder on which to start the analysis using a Codacy configuration file. This file needs to be named ".codacy.yaml" or ".codacy.yml" and must be placed in the repository's root.

See example below:

 enabled: true
 - config/engines.yml
 base_sub_dir: test/baseDir

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Last modified November 17, 2020