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This documentation applies to Codacy Self-hosted v1.4.0

For the latest updates and improvements, see the latest Cloud documentation instead.

Roles and permissions for synced organizations

Depending on your role on the Git provider you will have different permissions on Codacy:

Provider Role Join organization Ignore issues Add repo Configure repo View repo Invite and accept members Modify billing

GitHub Cloud

Outside collaborator No No No No Yes No No
Member Configurable1 No No No Yes No No
Repository Admin Configurable1 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Owner    Configurable1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
GitLab Cloud Outside collaborator No No No No Yes No No
Guest Configurable1 No No No Yes No No
Reporter Configurable1 No No No Yes No No
Developer Configurable1 Yes No No Yes No No
Maintainer Configurable1 Yes No No Yes No No
Owner Configurable1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Administrator Configurable1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bitbucket Server Read Configurable1 No No No Yes No No
Write Configurable1 No No No Yes No No
Admin Configurable1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

[^1]: Depending on your setting for accepting new people.


You can check who joined your organization and their role in the People page on Codacy.

💡 If you would like to analyze commits from authors that do not belong to your organization, read more about Authors here.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions.

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Last modified November 17, 2020